Syafriko Yuliusman

Adding Menu Items

The Menu allows you to showcase different areas of your venue and display this on a menu on your tour with direct links to those specific areas.

Overlay - Berlin Menu

Berlin uses a transparent black background and green active color. This menu can also include various items to the menu list such as adding active pano and links that connect to a webpage.

Restore Projects from Backup

Gothru Overlay Editor also features an option that allows you to restore a backup version. With this option, you can restore a backup version of your Overlay projects, along with all plugins applied in them.

Overlay - Hotspot Popup Content

The popup content section is where you can add content to the popup. You can embed nine content types -- simple, HTML, Image-left, Image-top, video-top, image, video, audio, and iframe.

Hotspot Overlay

The Hotspot is a button with a popup window that presents extra information about an area or product on a virtual tour.
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